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Church History


The History of

Freedom Baptist Missionary Church


The Late Bishop C.E. Monroe

Organizer 1986 - 2012

In 1979, after receiving a word from the Lord, “… how long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God follow Him…” (I Kings 18:21), Bishop Calvin E. Monroe accepted his call to the gospel ministry, followed by his ordination in 1986.  In November of the same year, Bishop Monroe founded and organized Freedom Baptist Missionary Church. 


The first building was a small storefront at North and Collington Avenues; with only one door, one light bulb and virtually no heat, yet it was home to a small congregation.   Membership rapidly grew and as time continued, Freedom resided in various locations, including the home of Bishop Monroe and his family. Leaning on his faith and trusting in the Lord and Savior, he opened the basement of his home for worship and study.  


In the years to come, Bishop Monroe fellowshipped with and greatly assisted a number of churches, in and out of the state of Maryland. Yet, as Bishop Monroe often said, he had “an itch and a scratch” to follow the Lord’s calling.  Thus, on November 3, 1995, at the request of Bishop and Mrs. Monroe, 17 believers assembled themselves at the Monroe’s residence.  Upon their arrival, Bishop shared his vision and divine call to revive a work for the Lord. Immediately, the Lord showed us favor and again gave Freedom a beautiful place to worship and grow. On Sunday, November 12, 1995, we held worship service in the chapel of Faith Presbyterian Church.  On that day, the Holy Spirit led 43 new believers through the doors and the Word came forth with anointing, as we were asked the question: “how will we build the house of the Lord?” The answer was revealed, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord”. (Zechariah 4:6) God sent one man, Brother Joseph Ford to become a deacon. Brother Lawrence Hughes and Brother Ellwood Moore were nominated and accepted by the church to become trustees. Sister Daisy Hughes, Sister Cordell Moore, and the late Sister Mary Booker were ushers who came prepared to serve.  A choir was formed and the late Sister Carolyn Spence was appointed by Bishop Monroe to serve as choir director.  Still being led by the Spirit of God, Bishop Monroe honored his mother, the late Josephine E. Monroe, by appointing her as mother of the church.

On Sunday, December 19, 1995 the late Rev. Randolph Price preached the church dedication service, setting us apart as a house of the Lord.  In 2007, God saw fit to place Freedom Baptist at its current location: 3455 Erdman Avenue.  As evidenced today, the hand of God continues to work in us.  He has sent other men and women to join the work as we’ve continued to build the House of the Lord.  Many ministries and auxiliaries have come to fruition and blessed us beyond measure.


In May of 2012, the Lord called our beloved founder, Bishop Calvin E. Monroe, home to his eternal rest.  We thank God for sending Bishop Monroe our way and celebrate his obedience to his calling and anointing from the Most High.  Furthermore, we must praise God for His greatness and favor.  He has kept His hand upon Freedom and has sent a host of armor bearers, including Mother Carolyn Monroe, First Lady Emeritus, and today Pastor James A. Johnson, and First Lady Evangelist Wanda Johnson to continue to carry on the vision and the work of God. We thank God for the vision of Bishop Calvin Monroe as he implemented the scripture II Corinthians 3:17 “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”. Today we continue to celebrate our theme imputed by our Pastor Reverend James A Johnson, we are “A Church Believing In Celebrating Jesus One Life at a Time!”   We celebrate today under the leadership of Pastor Johnson who has continued to build upon the foundation that Bishop Monroe has already laid. With Love and the Joy of Jesus we anticipate that the “Best Is Yet To Come!”

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